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Thursday, June 13, 2013


God's plan for your success

When Joshua and the Israelites were about to enter the promised land, God gave them some encouraging words to ensure their prosperity and success.  They were camping on the edge of God's blessing and needed a little push of encouragement to enter in.
Do I need encouraging words from God so that I can be prosperous and successful?  YES!  If Joshua needed them, we do too.
So what were the words God gave to Joshua to ensure his success and prosperity?  
We find them in Joshua 1:8 - Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
God gives Joshua (and us), three keys to prosperity and success (no, this is not an infomercial).
1. Speak the Word of God - don't let the Book of the Law depart from your mouth.  Who am I supposed to speak it to? Mainly, to yourself. Speak God's word into your life. Into the day your facing. Into the struggles you  may have. Into the celebration you are enjoying. Whatever you are facing at this moment in your life, you can speak the Word of God into that situation.  Speaking the Word of God presupposes that I read the Word of God. Don't let God's word depart from your mouth and you will have God's success and prosperity.
2. Meditate on the Word of God.  Meditation is a quiet contemplation of God's spiritual truths. It's mulling over what you read in God's word. It's focused thinking.  Meditation requires that I "unplug" for a few minutes and engage my mind on God - "Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10.  Bill Gothard said, "In order to meditate, we need to memorize, visualize and personalize."
3. Practice the Word of God - the last part of God's encouragement says,"that you may be careful to do everything written in it." It's interesting that in the structure of the sentence, the word meditate precedes the command to obey. God knows that the more I think and ponder and ruminate on His promises, the more likely I am to obey. We need to be careful here because it's possible to just know and not act on that knowledge. Jesus said, "Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock" (Matthew 7:24).  Divine wisdom is not knowing, it's knowing and doing.
Friend, be encouraged today. God has a battle plan for all of us who feel like we are camping on the edge of God's blessing. It's a tried and tested plan. It's the key to His success and prosperity in my life. Will you speak, meditate on and practice the Word of God in your life? If you will, you will experience His success and prosperity.


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