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Thursday, June 06, 2013


Choose Joy

Changing your attitude is difficult for most people. Because attitude change is spiritual warfare. It's a battle. There are forces that want to keep me from experiencing genuine joy.  But the Bible teaches us that we can choose joy.
Choosing joy does not mean every detail of my life is correct. If that were so, I would never choose joy. Choosing joy means I realize that I'm standing with Jesus.  Whoever stands with Jesus has joy. Whoever stands with Jesus has victory. Whoever stands with Jesus will never lose. These are not just trite sayings, these are eternal realities!
Walter B. Knight wrote, "Joy is the flag that flies over the castle of our hearts announcing that the King is in residence today."
YES! Joy is realizing Jesus is with me.

Psalm 16:11 - "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."

I can choose joy because Jesus is the way. He is the path of life for me.  I can choose joy because Jesus is with me. He will never leave me. His presence is always with me.  This truth is not like any thing else. Health can leave me. Wealth can leave me. Social status can depart from me. But Jesus will never leave me so that pleasure is eternal.  Joy in the life of a saint is the surest sign of the presence of God.
I can choose joy because I am not choosing something; I'm choosing Some One. Whoever chooses Jesus; chooses JOY!

Will you pray this prayer with me?  Jesus, You are my joy and my strength. You are standing with me so I have victory. You are standing with me so I have joy. I joyfully choose you today. AMEN.

• Heart change, your attitude will change
• Attitude change, your habit will change
• Habit change, your character will change
• Character change, your life perspective will change

Let us love Jesus with all our heart, our soul, our strength and our mind. He is the only way leading us to JOY.

Praise and Glory go to our Heavenly Father.

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