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Pastor Tim's Blog

Friday, April 26, 2013


What makes a day beautiful?

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.                                                                                                      Mark 10:45

What a great sentence from the mouth of Jesus. There’s an ocean of content in that one drop of language. Jesus came to serve me.
Have you ever thought that one of the greatest ways to show love is to serve someone else? Jesus proved his love for us by serving us. Like when he stooped down to wash his follower’s feet. After Jesus washed their feet he said, “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35).
As followers of Jesus we are called to express our love for others through serving. Donald Whitney said, “There is no better fuel for service that burns longer and provides more energy than love.”
This Saturday, April 27, over 200 people from our church will be serving at Beautiful Day. It’s going to be a love-fest. It’s love to the 200th degree! Do you know what makes it a beautiful day?

• People are being served.

• Needs are being met.

• The love of God is being shown.

• God’s people are being blessed – we are more blessed when we give.

• Joy is being experienced. God allows joy to flood my soul when I see others blessed!

• Relationships are being developed. Not just in the community but in our church.

But above all, it’s a beautiful day when I follow Jesus. When I serve like he served. Let’s make everyday a beautiful day!

If you're interested in serving tomorrow we will be at Dove Hill Elementary, O.B. Whaley Elementary or K.R. Smith Elementary. Come on out and experience a beautiful day!


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